The Fishing Edge: Hopedale - MRGO to Bayou Terre Boeufs
This area is sometimes called the Hopedale Marsh, and is located between the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) and Bayou Terre Boeufs by Delacroix Isle. It can be reached via launches in Delacroix and Hopedale, and Shell Beach.
Hopedale ~ MRGO to Terre Boeufs has over 270 waypoint locations.
It includes points at the mouth of Bayous Bernard and Pisana at Lake Coquille, which is French for Shellfish Lake (oyster) It has waypoints in and around Hopedale Lagoon and some located in and around Lake Amedee by a cove on the east side. It also has a warning waypoint by a sunken tank in the outfall/back levee canal that is north of Lake of Two Trees and NW of Bayou Malatto. It is listed as waypoint DANGER
Nearer Brenton Sound is has the location that was once Raccoon Island, but now a reef in the area. In Breton Sound it has the location of the Five Wells and where the Dope Boat was once located.
MRGO to Bayou Terre Boeufs includes these and many other prime locations.
The Captain Paul’s Fishing Edge of GPS Waypoints will give you an edge in navigating and fishing the area.
Captain Paul